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Best Mortgage Broker https://www.compareclosing.com/blog Fri, 12 Mar 2021 22:34:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 https://www.compareclosing.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/cropped-cropped-Compare-Closing-LLC-Logo-1-32x32.png Best Mortgage Broker https://www.compareclosing.com/blog 32 32 162941087 The No 1 Guide to Find Best Mortgage Broker in Texas https://www.compareclosing.com/blog/how-to-find-best-mortgage-broker/ https://www.compareclosing.com/blog/how-to-find-best-mortgage-broker/#comments Fri, 12 Mar 2021 19:10:32 +0000 https://compareclosing.com/blog/?p=5691 Continue Reading The No 1 Guide to Find Best Mortgage Broker in Texas]]>

How to Find Best Mortgage Broker

A mortgage broker is someone who assists potential borrowers and homebuyers get the best possible mortgage quote or plan when looking to buy a home or secure a loan. 

When you hire a broker, you save yourself from the trouble of going to different lenders as the broker will do this job for you. 

Mortgage brokers usually get paid through compensation from the lender that you decide to work within the end or from the fees that you pay. 

There is no question that every borrower or homebuyer wants to find the best mortgage quotes and rates out there, and one key to getting that is having the best mortgage broker work for you. 

Finding the best mortgage broker can often be said to be practically the same as finding the best mortgage quote and if you have ever taken a loan, you know how big a deal that is.

How do you find the best mortgage broker? Here are some questions you can ask different brokers that can help you choose the best mortgage broker.

What are the Fees?

There are a number of ways in which mortgage brokers earn money. Each broker that you meet and speak to may have a different set of terms and circumstances as they are all independent contractors. 

To find the best mortgage broker you will have to ask the broker how he/she gets paid in order to find out if the broker has any bias towards a certain lender. 

For instance, a broker may be getting paid by a particular lender for each client he takes to that particular lender. 

In such a case, it may not be the best decision to work with this particular broker as he is more likely to lead you to the lender that pays him/her irrespective of how good or bad the mortgage offer is for you. 

A lot of brokers also get paid through the origination fees which are equivalent to 1% of the loan amount and are paid by the borrower. 

Thus, a broker trying to get you a loan that is more than you actually need could be a red flag as he could be looking to get paid more.

Will I Qualify for a Mortgage?

You will want to make sure that you are backed with enough finances before you get into and start the home buying process. 

If you have a low credit score or employment issues, low income, higher debt payments, or any foreclosures, you need to share these details with the broker. 

If after all these issues, your broker says you will not have any problems getting a good mortgage quote or rate, you may want to think again about working with this mortgage broker. 

The best mortgage brokers are the ones that are honest about these important details, and if your finances do not look so good, the broker must be straight forward and set reasonable expectations, and let you know if there are any chances that you will qualify for a mortgage or not rather than getting your hopes high and wasting your time.

Which Lenders do you Work with?

When you are looking for a mortgage broker, it is important to know the lenders they are working with. 

The more lenders a mortgage broker works with, the better chances you have of finding a better deal as you get to shop and compare mortgage quotes of several lenders.

Why should I work with you and not Directly with a Lender?

Unless the broker himself does not make it clear why and how working with him is going to benefit you, you will probably not have to ask this question. 

After you have spoken to a broker, you should be able to decide whether you want to work with him/her and if it makes sense to you at all. 

However, if you still feel uncertain about the broker, ask this question and see what reply you get. 

If you do not receive a reply that makes you feel confident or comfortable, it might be a good idea to move on to another broker.

Can I talk to some former clients of yours?

Although you might not really want to hear a testimonial, it is important to ask this question and see what the broker says. 

If you see the broker hesitating or he/she gets uncomfortable, then you probably should not be working with that broker. 

On the other hand, if the broker happily hands you a name, number, or email address, you can say he/she has some very satisfied clients, which is a sign of some of the best mortgage brokers. 

Also, some questions that you could ask the former client could include how well the broker was at communicating throughout the entire mortgage process, what the fees were like, and if the loan he/she brokered was worth it or not.


A mortgage broker, in simple terms, is a link between lenders and mortgage customers or borrowers. 

In spite of being involved in the process, mortgage brokers do not work for lenders and hence do not originate loans themselves. 

Before you choose a mortgage broker, you must assess the broker and make sure he/she satisfy various criteria. 

You may also need to consider if you need a mortgage broker at all. 

However, if you want someone to do the work for you and someone who has some experience with mortgages, working with a Compare Closing LLC could prove to be the right decision for you.

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